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Becoming Elemental Page 13

  Groans filled the space and the other four all said in unison, “We need to train!”

  I laughed at how well they know each other. As the others try out their new gifts, I stepped back to watch. I felt so blessed to have each of them in my life. All of the craziness in my life up to now had been worth it. I loved each of my guys and would do anything to keep loving them and protecting them. We were a family; maybe not a traditional one, but we were a family and we would fight to keep it together.

  Chase walked up to me and lightly shoulder-bumps me. “You look happy.”

  “I am. There is nowhere in the world I would rather be and no one I would rather be with. You guys are my family and we will stick together. I’m glad you aren’t bonded to that awful woman.”

  “I knew you were the one for me when you drove my car like I do. Oh, and I like the fact that I was your first kiss. What else can I be first in?” Chase wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  “Hmm, let me think. There are so many things that I have never done before. Well, actually, I have never done anything with a man before, so the possibilities are endless. What would you like to try first?” Right when he was about to reply, I jumped in, “But then again, you got to be my first kiss. Maybe I should let the others have some firsts, too. I bet Harrison could show me a few things I have never done before and Bryce, I bet he is a little kinky, don’t you think?”

  Chase picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He started walking toward the house and I couldn’t help but laugh at his rare silliness.

  “Chase, where are you taking our girl?” Bryce asked.

  “Nowhere, just away from you guys!” Chase replied.

  “He wants all of my firsts now since he got the first kiss!” I yelled to them.

  All four of them ran toward us yelling at Chase.

  “No, you don’t!”

  “Put her down!”


  “I want a first!”

  “You guys are crazy! I’m outta here. Carter, you owe me some treats!” Chip said as he walked back to the woods.

  The guys caught up to us in the family room and tackled us on the couch. Everyone was laughing so hard, we could barely breathe. “Well, that killed the mood!” Chase said.

  “What, the caveman ‘you woman, me man’ mood?” I asked.

  We all started laughing all over again.

  Chapter 18

  The next few weeks flew by and fall was in full swing, evident by the colorful foliage on the mountains. Chase said I should snowboard, but I was excited to try skiing first. I just didn’t think I would do well on a snowboard; strapping both feet to the same board and sliding down a mountain seemed sketchy. My birthday and Thanksgiving break were drawing closer and I hadn’t been home since starting school. I called my parents every week, but I hadn’t gone to see them yet. They asked a few times if they could visit, but I always told them I was too busy with school to have any real time with them. Luckily, things had been quiet, too; no attempted kidnapping, no demons trying to kill me, and no bitches trying to lead me to my death. Everything was great, so I assumed something terrible was going to happen soon.

  “So Bre, where do you want to go for your birthday dinner?” Carter asked. We were all eating another one of Harrison’s scrumptious dinners. It was the first night in the last couple of weeks that we were all together. Each of the guys had been called away on missions over the last two weeks. There hadn’t been one day, until today, that we were all at home together. I planned to enjoy every second of it.

  “I want to go to that new restaurant in Boone, the one that brags about their steaks. I am dying for a great steak!” I answered.

  “Sounds perfect. Monday night?” Carter asked everyone.


  “I’m in.”

  “Sounds good.”


  My birthday was actually on Thanksgiving this year, so we were doing my birthday dinner early. Plus, I was flying out on Wednesday to go home for Thanksgiving with my parents. Home? Funny how Allendale didn’t seem like home anymore; this did. I was worried about traveling by myself, but I hadn’t said anything to the guys. I was afraid they would go with me and not home to their families.

  “So, Bre, we have been talking and don’t think it is a good idea for you to travel home by yourself. I know it has been quiet here for a while, but we think it would be best if at least one of us went with you. We don’t have to meet your parents, but think it would be a good idea to fly with you and monitor the house while you are there,” Bryce said, like he was reading my mind.

  “Oh, no, you can’t. I don’t want to take you away from your families at the holidays,” I retorted.

  “We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. We were here before the Mayflower even thought about landing on Plymouth Rock, so Thanksgiving is not our holiday,” Mason interjected.

  “Really? So where do Elementals come from? I can’t believe I never thought to ask.”

  “Thousands of years ago, Archangel Michael decided to send guardians to Earth to protect it. He created beings that looked like humans, but were connected to the elements. He sent one hundred of each being: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. Those beings were called Elementals. A few hundred years later, he created Animal Elementals to protect the animals that inhabited the Earth. That is part of the reason other Elementals look down upon Animal Elementals; they were not sent here in the beginning,” Bryce explained.

  “Good grief, a few hundred years’ difference in thousands? Sounds like there are some Elementals that have their heads up their asses. If Michael created them just like the others, they are just as elemental as any of them. I swear, I would love to have a talk with these Council Members. They sound old and outdated,” I replied.

  “Ha ha! They are all old. The youngest one is around 230, I believe. I would love to hear what you would say to them! That would definitely ruffle their feathers!” Mason said while laughing.

  “Oh, and I could do it in my panther form! Wonder what they would say to that?”

  “Bre, you are one in a million,” Carter said and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.

  “So, back to the trip. Do you have a preference as to who you want to go with you?” Bryce asked.

  “No, I couldn’t choose if my life depended on it.”

  “Anyone have something going on that they can’t go?” Bryce asked. No one replied. “Anyone not want to go?” Again, no one replied. “Well then, I guess we are drawing straws.”

  It seemed like all of them wanted to go and I hated letting them down. “How about all of you go?” I blurted out before I thought it through.

  “It would be easier if one of us pretended to be your boyfriend. That way, we could get into the house and not have to sneak around outside to watch out for anything bad happening,” Harrison said.

  “Maybe I can talk to my parents and let them know I am bringing friends home. We could tell them that you are not originally from the US and aren’t planning to travel home for such a short time,” I said.

  “You don’t think they would think it is strange that you are bringing five guys home?” Chase asked.

  “Probably, but I have always been strange, so nothing new there. They will probably be happy I have made friends here. Callie was my only friend in high school. Anyway, I don’t care. I don’t want to leave you guys anyway, so this fixes the problem. Do you think you can get flights this late?” I asked.

  “It won’t be a problem,” Bryce answered. “So, it’s settled, we all go to Allendale! Chase, look into hotel rooms for us.”

  “Got it,” Chase responded.

  I suddenly lost my bravado and started to worry about what my parents would say about me bringing so many guys home. Would they know I was seeing all of them? Would they think I was sleeping with all of them? Well, I actually was sleeping with them, but only in the literal sense. I breathed in and out slowly to calm my nerves, then said, “I’ll go call them now to let them know.�
� Here went nothing.

  I walked into the family room for privacy and dialed my parents’ number. My mom answered on the second ring. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Sweetie, happy almost birthday! I can’t believe you are turning nineteen. Soon you will be twenty!” my mom Kerin said.

  “Thanks, Mom. I have a favor to ask. I have a few friends that are from another country and they aren’t planning on going home for the holidays. I asked them to come home with me. Is that okay?”

  “Of course, honey. I am so excited you are making friends. How many are you bringing?” she asked.

  “Five,” I replied.

  “Five…okay. Well, they will need to get hotel rooms; we just don’t have enough room here. And I can go and get a bigger turkey and a few more sides. Five more little girls shouldn’t eat too much.”

  “Well, it’s actually five guys,” I said quickly and quietly.

  There was a long pause and she finally said, “Okay, five guy friends it is. Are any of them your boyfriend?”

  “No, I am just friends with them. They grew up together and we all just kind of clicked. They are really great guys and I really want you to meet them.”

  “It will be fine. I will speak to your dad and let him know. When will you all be here?”

  “They are looking at flights now and I will let you know, but sometime Wednesday afternoon.”

  “Great! I can’t wait to see you, sweetheart. I really miss you and I am so glad you are coming home. It has been way too long. I would like to take you clothes shopping while you are here. I bet you need some new things.”

  “Actually, the guys want to take me skiing when the mountain has snow, do you think we could get a ski jacket and pants?”

  “Bre, that is wonderful! I am so glad they are getting you out and doing fun things. I am liking them already. We can most definitely do that. I can’t wait to see you! Safe travels. Call me when you know your flight schedule and I will come and pick you up. I love you.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I love you, too.” I hung up and felt a little guilty about not going to see them sooner. They were wonderful parents and I missed them. I just didn’t want to be in that town where Callie died. I walked back into the room with the guys.

  “I just told my mom and she is fine with it. We are all having Thanksgiving together!” I was so happy I decided to do this. Now I would get to see my parents and didn’t have to leave the guys behind.


  My birthday dinner was on the Monday before we were flying out to see my parents. I was very excited to spend time with the guys over the next week, but I was still freaking out about how my parents would react when they saw them. They were a lot to take in when they were all together. All of them were over six feet tall and gorgeous; put them all together and it was a bit intimidating. When we all went out together, it was funny how everyone seemed to make way for us.

  We made it to the restaurant and I was trying to decide between a ribeye and a filet. Steak was my favorite food, and I would eat it every single day if I could. I decided on the filet and we all placed our orders. All of the guys looked a little nervous, which made me nervous in turn. “What’s up, guys? Do you think something is going to happen tonight?”

  “No, we’re just a little nervous whether or not you will like our gifts. This is the first time any of us has gotten a birthday gift for a girl that we weren’t related to. We want to make you happy and we are a little nervous,” Bryce replied.

  I looked around the table and said, “Guys, it doesn’t matter what you got me. All I care about is that you put thought into it. That means more than anything. Want to go ahead and get it over with now so you can enjoy the dinner?”

  “Yes, please!” Mason chimed in.

  “Okay, who’s first?” I asked.

  Mason pulled out a small, silver box with a white bow and slid it over to me. “I wanted to get you something beautiful that reminds you of me.” He blushed a little when saying it.

  I could tell it was jewelry by the size and look of the box. I didn’t wear much jewelry, but if it came from Mason, I would wear it every day. I opened the box and saw a beautiful diamond pendant on a thin, silver chain. The pendant was in the shape of a water droplet with diamonds covering it. My eyes teared up a little at the sweet gesture. He was receiving four other powerful gifts because of our bonding, but he and I had shared water from the beginning. His was the first gift the guys showed me. It was amazing how that was only a few months ago; things were completely different now. I looked up at Mason and smiled, “Can you put it on me?”

  He grinned and took the necklace from my hand, I turned around and held my hair up. He clasped the necklace and traced his fingers along my neck before sitting back. I turned to him. “I love it, Mason. Thank you! I will wear it every day.”

  He looked so happy that I liked his gift. I reached forward and hugged him, “You are welcome, Bre. I’m glad you like it,” he whispered in my ear.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad!” I said as I wiped the moisture from my eyes. “Who’s next?”

  “Happy Birthday, Bre,” Bryce said while sliding an envelope over to me. I opened it and saw a beautiful card covered in flowers wishing me a great birthday. Inside the card was a receipt for a $1,900 donation to the local food bank. “I figured if I couldn’t grow the food for them, I could give them money to do it. It is $100 for every year you have been alive.”

  Again, I teared up at the gesture. He knew how sad it made me that we could so easily grow food, but because humans would be scared of our gifts, we had to hide them. My goal was to one day figure out a way to help those that just need the basics, like food. No one in a country as wealthy as ours should go hungry. I looked at Bryce and smiled. “This is perfect. Thank you.” He knew how much this meant to me.

  I got up from my chair, walked over to him, and gave him a hug. As I was about to sit back down, Chase stood up and said, “You probably need to stay standing for mine.” He walked over to the waitress and she led him into the back.

  He emerged a few seconds later with snow skis and boots. I jumped up and down clapping. “Oh, my God! I can’t believe you got me skis!”

  He walked them over to me and handed me the skis and boots. “I still want you to snowboard, but I guess you can start with skiing,” he said sheepishly.

  He was so sweet. He really wanted me to snowboard, but since I said I would rather ski, he bought me skis. I would have to try snowboarding one day just for him. I put the skis and boots down and hugged him around his neck, “Thank you, Chase. I can’t wait to try them!” He smiled at me and sat back in his seat.

  This birthday thing is great! I loved everything so far, because they put thought into their gifts, making them special. Harrison got up and handed me two boxes, one rectangular and one square. They were beautifully wrapped with cornflower blue paper and silver bows. I opened the rectangular box first and there was a beautiful, black leather jacket in it. I ran my hand down the front to feel the softness of the leather. I then opened the square box and pulled out a shiny, black helmet. “I would love for you to go riding with me sometime and you need these to be able to.”

  “Harry! I would love to go riding, I have never been on a motorcycle. Can we go before we leave for Allendale?”

  He looked so pleased and excited that I loved his gift. “Sure! We can go tomorrow if you want.”

  “Great, it is a date!” I said and then cringed a little on the inside. I knew the guys were used to different kind of relationships in their community, but saying he and I were going on a date in front of the others was a little uncomfortable for me. I looked at the others and they were all smiling. They didn’t even seem to notice what I said, and if they did, they didn’t seem to care. Well, if they were okay with it, then I would be. I hugged Harrison and thanked him again for my gifts.

  Carter was the last one to give me his gift and he seemed nervous. He was such a thoughtful guy that I knew I would love it. He handed me an envelope and
I opened it to find a birthday card with a panther mascot in a blue football shirt on the front wishing me a happy birthday. I giggled at the panther and opened the card. Inside were two tickets to a Carolina Panthers game and VIP passes to meet the mascot. I laughed so loud that the table next to us gave me a dirty look. “Carter, I love it!” I said as I jumped into his arms and hugged him. “It’s perfect and funny. Thank you.”

  “I am always so deep and serious with you, I wanted to do something fun. And I know you love panthers!” he said.

  “What is it, Bre?” Mason asked.

  I turned the card around and showed them the tickets, “He got me Carolina Panther football tickets and I get to meet the panther mascot!” The entire table erupted in laughter and the table next to us shot more dirty looks in our direction.

  “Carter, that is funny as hell! Great idea!” Harrison said.

  “Yeah, man, what a great idea,” Bryce said.

  Finally, we all sat back in our chairs just as the food came out. My filet looked heavenly and I couldn’t wait to eat, but before anyone could dig in, Bryce lifted his glass and said, “Happy Birthday, Bre. We are so glad you came into our lives. You brought love, laughter, and bonding.” He winked at me as he said that. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you and I know the others feel the same. Happy Birthday to our beautiful, caring, thoughtful, and loving girl!” He lifted his glass higher and everyone else follows his lead. A chorus of “Happy Birthday, Bre”s filled the room.

  I was blissful right now. My boys were so thoughtful and sweet. I thought back to when I first arrived at school and how sad I was. I had been alone and depressed, but now I was happier than I had been in my entire life. My guys saved me and I would do anything for them.

  We finished dinner off with dessert and I had to try the turtle cheesecake – it did not disappoint. “Thank you, guys. This was the best birthday ever. I love every one of my gifts, but I especially loved spending it with you. Thank you.”

  We left the restaurant and returned home. I was so tired from all the excitement that I fell asleep on Harrison’s shoulder on the way back.